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Wheel, fender, saddle

My City bike or Kids' bike rear wheel is not mounted straight

To adjust your rear wheel on your City bike or Kids bike you can follow instructions below, or have this done at a professional local bike shop. Open the two big nuts on your rear wheel axle, so you can turn the two smaller nuts on the back of the

My City bike or Kids' bike fender needs adjusting

You can adjust the fender by loosening the bolts at the end of the fender, if the fender is in the right position you can tighten the bolts again. You can also have this done at a professional local bike shop, or contact our Customer Care team with

My City bike or Kids' bike saddle is too high or low

You can adjust your saddle by loosening the bolt on the saddle clamp and then sliding it up and down at the right height. If you want to slide the saddle to the front or back, you have to open the bolt at the bottom of the saddle. You can also have