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Maintenance City or Kids bikesUpdated 2 years ago

A bit of maintenance can go a long way in looking after your Veloretti. Below are some tips on what you can do by yourself. We also always advise a yearly check-up at a professional bike shop. 


A brief inspection of the frame, fork, and bars for any signs of damage should be done before every ride. If the steer tube and front fork are straight, check the front fork dropouts for cracks or damage. Do not ride with a damaged fork - it may cause serious injury. 

As for all mechanical components, the bike is subject to wear and tear. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever! 

Any forms of breaks, cracks, scratches, or changes of colouring in highly stressed areas indicate that the life of the component has been reached and that it should be replaced to not result in a sudden failure, possibly causing injuries to the rider.

Loose components

Make sure there are no loose parts on your bike. Tighten bolts accordingly when noticeable. Pay extra attention to the seatpost, front, and rear wheel bolts and tighten them accordingly. 

Bike chain tension 

The tension should not be too loose or tight. The tension of the bike chain is right when you can wiggle it 1 cm up and down. Check this video on how to adjust the bike chain, or visit a local bike shop to make sure the tension is always optimised. 

Your bike chain must be fitted right because if you have a bike with only coaster brakes/backpedal brakes, any chain malfunction can cause potential brake failure and subsequent accidents. 

Clean and lubricate the chain 

Your chain should be cleaned and lubricated approximately once every 50 rides, after every ride in wet conditions, and every time you wash your bike. 

Properly clean the chain by dripping a suitable chain cleaner into a clean, spirit-free cotton cloth and wipe the chain down. When doing so, slowly operate the crank in the direction of the drive. Repeat this process a few times with a clean area of the cloth until the chain is clean. Then sparingly apply a lubricant suitable for bicycle chains to each chain link. You can also visit a local bike shop to have this done. 

Pump up the tyres

Check for cracks/worn spots on the tyres and see if replacement is needed. 

Tire wobble. A wobble in a tire indicates that the innertube is not in its correct place. This can result in a flat tire. Deflate and adjust the innertube. Do it yourself or get help from your local bike shop.


Check for any loose or missing spokes. If loose or too tight, spokes can also lead to a wobble or a crack in the rim.

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